the dutch structuralist.
CENTRAAL BEHEER: prototype of social transparency in modern architecture.
When you discuss your own work you have to ask yourself what you acquired from whom. Because everything you find comes from somewhere. The source was not your own mind, but was supplied by the culture you belong to... Architects are in the habit of concealing their sources of inspiration and even of trying to sublimate them - as if that would ever be possible. But in so doing the design-process gets clouded, while by disclosing what moved and stimulated you in the first place may well succeed in explaining yourself and motivating your decisions. The capacity to find a fundamentally different solution to a problem, i.e. to create a different 'mechanism', depends entirely on the wealth of your experience, just as a person's expressive potential in terms of language cannot transcend that which is expressible with his vocabulary.
Herman Hertzberger - foreword in Lessons for students in architecture, 1991 - ISBN 90-6450-100-9.

   In Herzberger's words "The question was to make an office building that would be a working place where everybody would feel at home: a house for 1,000 people. Working spaces are large rooms, continuous, yet articulated in such a way that a group or individual can appropriate a comprehensive place for himself. The open relationship with floors below and above gives a certain feeling of belonging."
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