La Representation de la Perception

Cubo-Suprematisme par Frank GEHRY
Premiere Partie :: trois residences: Familian, Gehry, Schnabel.
Deuxieme Partie :: trois musees: Gabrillo, Vitra, Guggenheim.
Troisieme Partie :: The Connections Africaines dans Gehry .

Premiere Partie : trois residences californiennes

Residence Trois: Schnabel House.

"Marna Schnabel had a particular recollection of a model of a residential schemes she had seen in Frank Office, a village around a courtyard."
"In fact, the design was one I had fantasized about my own house... Well, I've got ten images now that are going to compose your house; those images can relate to all kinds of  symbolic things, ideas you have liked, places you have liked, bits and pieces of your life that you would like to recall" (Frank Gehry)

"He who speaks in primordial images speaks with a thousand voices; he enthralls and overpowers, while at the same time he lifts the idea he is trying to express out of the occasional and the transitory into the realm of the ever-enduring.
He transmutes our personal destiny into the destiny of mankind, thereby evoking in us all those beneficient forces that have always enabled mankind to find a refuge from every peril and to outlive the longest night. That is the secret of creative art."
(C. G.Jung - "On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetic Art"). 

Schnabel Model

The Arcade View from the Pool
dogon house The Entrance

Master Bed-room The Living-RoomThe Living-Room

La Schnabel House represente un important watershed ideologique, marquant la fin de laconstruction d'un discours architectural specifique au niveau de la syntaxe et du vocabulaire.
Les sources originelles de l'esthetique gehrienne se deplacent du questionnement dece qu'est la beaute et hors des rotations figuratives du CUBISME etablies par l'avant-garde.
Reference:Frank Gehry, Schnabel House. Brentwood, California 1990 by James Steele in "Contemporary California Houses".

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