hannie and aldo in the Sahara,1951


   The Sudan Delivery "Since I am deeply concerned with twin phenomena, the principle of twinness -gemelliparite - which runs right through the entire dogon cosmology manifesting itself at every scale level can, therefore, hardly fail to excite me!"
(A Miracle of Moderation by van Eyck)
    Aldo van Eyck decele des concepts elementaires, des constantes formelles dans les cultures primitives. Il aurait percu chez les Dogon, une "clarte labyrinthique"
Ref.: Aldo Van Eyck, the Shape of Relativity - F. Strauven, 1998
Ginna Complex-Falaise Pueblo Bonito-NM-usa
oxymoron:old/young lady "Aldo Van Eyck's Twin Phenomena has shattered the barriers of dualism with the two-sided declaration. 'The city is a big house and the house is a small city'. The Children's Home in Amsterdam (1960) is a fine example of his Twin Phenomena Paradigm.
Van Eyck's theories have exerted considerable influence on architecture around the world..." 
Kisho Kirokawa, Japan Master Architect
Ref.: Intercultural Architecture: the philosophy of symbiosis - K Kurokawa, 1991

   Van Eyck continues The School of Amsterdam
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